You are precious in God’s sight.
Piasau Baptist Church is a warm, growing community of believers meeting in the heart of Piasau Garden, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. We enjoy welcoming new people – families, students, peoples from numerous nationalities and walks of life. Every Sunday we meet here to worship God.
Piasau Baptist Church seeks to provide a balanced emphasis in our Christian experience. Upwardly, we are committed to worship and genuine fellowship with the Lord. Horizontally, we are committed to fellowship, evangelism, missions and the faithful preaching and teaching of the Word of God.

Who we are:
Piasau Baptist Church is founded on Baptist faith and principles. We are an inter-generational group of Bible-believing, evangelical Christians led by the Holy Spirit under the lordship of Jesus Christ, enjoying the love and favour of God the Father.

Church Vision:
To be a Christ-centered Cell Church,
Built on the Word of God
And empowered by the Holy Spirit
To transform the Community
Church Mission:
To be equipped with God’s Word,
United through Cell Groups,
In the power of the Holy Spirit,
To Impact the Community,
Through Caring for the needy,
Reaching out to the lost,
and Committing to missions.
Story of Piasau Baptist Church:
Early Years:
Pre-1973: Early evangelistic work by Pastor Bob Evans in Miri
September 1973: Pastor Charles Thurman & Kathie Braugton (missionaries from the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board) reached Miri. Based at No.36 Piasau Garden
26 May 1974: 1st Baptismal Service for 16 new believers
14 February 1976: Miri Baptist Church (MBC) formally organized, with 25 charter members
26 July 1976: the Braughtons left Sarawak. Church shifted meeting place to No.271, Piasau Garden. The State Government then granted Lot 821, Piasau Garden for the church building. Church building program initiated
17 April 1977: Kenneth Ong, Christie Goh and Adeh ak. Tikok ordained as deacons by FMB missionaries from Kuching
8 January 1978: James Khoo Tiang Veng installed as first Malaysian pastor by Pastor Charles Morris. Called by the church in November 1977
Formative Years:
1978-79: years of growth and activities, including new believers, new members, T.E.E (Theological Education by Extension) courses and outreach programs
October 1978: New church building start construction. Financed by grants from FMB, Malaysia-Singapore Baptist Mission, building pledges and gifts from local members. Completed in early October 1979
6 January 1980: New building dedicated. Pastor James Khoo was ordained
27 August 1982: Sarawak Government officially approved the registration of Sarawak Baptist Church (SBC). Miri Baptist Church officially known as Piasau Baptist Branch (PBC) of SBC
October 1986: Calvary Baptist Branch registered in Bintulu, through outreach work by Pastor James Khoo and Jasbir Singh in 1982
1992: Ministry work in Limbang halted. Later re-started by Emmanuel Baptist Branch
Iban ministry at the Lutong and Pujut Corner squatter areas. Work eventually resulted in Lutong Baptist Branch and Pujut Baptist Branch.
30 October 1993: Pastor Khoo and family left for Kota Kinabalu, after nearly 16 years of pastoring PBC
Maturing Years
1993 - 2003: PBC was without a pastor, except for one year, 1999
July 1996: Lutong Baptist Chapel officially became Lutong Baptist Branch. Later, Pujut Baptist Branch was registered in March 2001
November 1998: Taman Tunku Chapel (Iban) work started, led by Mary Thambie ak. Kalu as Church Missionary, who served until 6 October 2002. In 1999, 8 new Iban believers from Taman Tunku were baptized
1 January 1999 - 28 February 2000: Pastor Yee Ting Kong pastored PBC
28 February 1999: Mandarin/Hokkien Ministry, started in 1979, was re-launched at Pujut 7 Shoplot. Service later shifted to PBC main building
15 April 2001: First baptismal service of 6 new believers of Mandarin Ministry
1 July 2003: Lim Thien Leong began his tenure as “Kingdom Service Worker” and continued to serve as pastor to-date
New Direction:
Through increased prayer meetings, the Holy Spirit imparts fresh spiritual visions, encouragement and admonitions for the church
2006: Trinity Baptist Chapel was started by 4 core families. Officially registered as Trinity Baptist Branch in 2009
2006: First Cell Leaders Retreat, where leaders re-cast a new vision for PBC to begin the transformation journey to become a Cell Church
2007: the Curtin Ministry launched to minister to the Curtin University students, with the vision to establish a University Baptist Church
21 June 2008: the vision to build a new sanctuary was birthed in a Day of Prayer. This building project, called "Rebuilding the Lord's House" commenced with conceptual design in 2009. Building Fund launched in October, 2010
2011: Launched "FaithWorks" to work out our vision of reaching our community through community service. Started the “Reading Bus” program, which evolved to our present “e-Kids” program
3 March 2012: Taman Tunku Baptist Chapel, with 39 members, released to Lutong Baptist Church
18 May 2015: Construction of new sanctuary began. Completed in November 2016
1 Jan 2017: Pr. Wallace Ong Chin Uei appointed as pastor of Mandarin congregation
5 Mar 2017: First service in the new sanctuary
26 May 2018: Official Opening of new sanctuary with “Celebrating God’s Goodness” Service and Carnival