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We embarked on our journey to become a Cell Church since 2006. Meeting Jesus Christ regularly in the comfort of a home, cell groups of 6-15 people each come together to exercise the 4 W's:
Welcome each other and new friends - "you to me, me to you"
Worship Christ - "us to God"
Word - "God released to us through the Bible"
Works - exercise our spiritual gifts, prayer and personal ministry to each other, including Witnessing to non-Christians, i.e. "God through us to others"
In the relaxed environment of the home, CG members share experiences and get to know each other. We build strong and lasting friendships. We help each other out in times of need. More often than not, we come to regard each other as extended family members. A family we are indeed, when we belong to the community of Christ.
Why a Cell Church?
Matthew 28:18-20, speaks of Jesus’ command to make disciples, and implicitly includes the additional work of maturing and mobilising them. Cell groups are the microcosm of the church, living out the abundant life that Christ promised (c.f. John 10:10) as each member share and serve together. Ephesians 4:11-16 clearly teaches that the job of the leaders is to equip the members of the church, the body of Christ, to do the work or ministry of Christ in the world. The ministry is in the hands of the saints, the so-called ordinary believers. That is the only way the body of Christ will be fully built up and grow into maturity. Each member must do its part. An effective cell church model is one of the ways we can fulfil this call of Christ today.
PBC has 6 English-speaking and 5 Chinese-speaking cell groups that serve and spread the love of Christ. Each cell group is led by capable cell leaders who are sensitive to the uniqueness of their respective cell group and hence study, fellowship and outreach approaches vary.
Below is the detailed list of our cell groups. Please contact the leader to join one of our cell groups.
*Our Chinese-speaking CGs meet in church on the last Sunday of each month from 9.45am to 10.30am, after Sunday Service.